The Long Break I Took & Why I'm Not Sorry

As some of you may know, I am sort of, kind of known for working multiple projects and business ventures unanimously, without many breaks or interruptions.

In 2013 I decided to leave the traditional work force and become a full time entrepreneur. For a few years this consisted of mobile hair-styling under my self-made brand, Mothers & Daughters Hair, which grew large enough to begin working remotely from home. During my day to day interactions with clients I discovered a strong need within our community, for a good foundation and resource for women’s empowerment. Birthed from these observations, was Let’s BeWomen, Inc. which is a state registered, non-profit organization that assists women with various overall wellness needs.

Since these new endeavors, I have been blogging, event planning, trying to participate in community service, raising a family, as well as maintaining a full-time college roster. Last year in January, around this time, I became pregnant with my fifth daughter. Pregnancy for me has always been a roller coaster of eventfulness, which typically includes morning sickness, fatigue and other expected pregnancy symptoms. For some reason, pregnancy tends to SHUT ME DOWN for at least the entire first trimester. Around this time, I was also planning for the grand opening of my very own and first Mothers and Daughters Hair Salon. I was elated… but I knew that a much needed break was on the agenda very soon.

I began to slow down with planning events for Let’s BeWomen as well as blogging. I slowed down in general. In the meantime, I was taking more time out to stay healthy, get rest, and spend more quality time with my husband and daughters.

Brooklynn Miller was born on October 2, 2017, weighing in at 6lbs, 11oz! I could not be more honored and blessed to be chosen to be her mother. My girls mean the world to me because I know that they have an astounding purpose in this world and I take pride in being able to help them fulfill that. I took a nice long maternity leave from hair-styling, blogging, and just working period. I even took an academic leave from school so that I could allow my body time to heal after her delivery and refocus my brain into boss beast mode, as I like to call it.

I took my time. This year is a year that I am focused on being selflessly selfish. I am still taking my time… with loving on my new baby and making new family memories. Because of taking my time, I’ve been able to multitask better. I’ve been able to find a better rhythm to my juggle. My mind and soul is EAGER to get back to work on a personal level as well as within the community.

I’m back! …And it feels lovely.

I have so much in store for those who follow my journey and support my various works. #WomantoWomanTalk will be expanding this year, into a well rounded and lively podcast for women’s entertainment. There will be lots of blogging going on and I will be razor-sharp focused on writing my book, so stay tuned!

I’ve learned that breaks, both long ones and short ones, are necessary for human growth and prosperity. They are not just essential for physical gain and refueling, but also for mental replenishment, analyzing and brainstorming. You never want to over work yourself; or a project for that matter. You want to apply your best self and best skill-set to whatever you set out to accomplish or achieve. This means that if you feel that you need to pause and come back, please do so.

I feel motivated, dedicated, and enlightened with new ideas and developments to what I’ve already began to build. I am blessed… to be back with more balance, patience and organization. That break allowed me to assess my plans and pace for progress with all that I have my hands in. Women in general tend to sacrifice sleep, put their own dreams and aspirations on hold and overwork their minds and bodies for the benefit of others. I am learning that this is a dangerous way to maneuver, because we can not pour from an empty cup, nor can we perform or produce at our best ability if we are not in our best mental and physical condition. Take breaks.

Take this journey with me… A journey of personal, business, spiritual and mental growth, by walking in my full purpose and through sharing my young wisdom, experiences and discoveries with the world.